Legal, safe and ethical practice and what it means for you
What are the dimensions of legal, safe and ethical practice outlined in the Australian Curriculum: ICT as a General Capability?
This information is taken from ACARA:
This element involves students developing an understanding of how social and ethical protocols and practices are applied when using ICT.
Students apply appropriate practices to recognise the intellectual property for digital information of themselves and others. They use appropriate practices for the physical and logical storage and security of digital information, and apply appropriate protocols when using ICT to safely create, communicate or share information. Students gain an understanding of the benefits and consequences of the use of ICT by individuals, groups and communities and the impact of the use of ICT on the fabric of society. In developing and acting with ICT capability, students:
- recognise intellectual property
- apply digital information security practices
- apply personal security protocols
- identify the impacts of ICT in society.
What will you need to consider in your curriculum learning areas?
When considering legal, safe and ethical practice using ICT, here are some examples that relate to Industrial Technology and Design (ITD) and Health and Physical Education (HPE):
- intellectual property when creating designs for products in timber, metal and graphics
- security protocols when saving their work and designs
- apply digital information security practices when searching online for inspiration
- identifying the impacts of ICT in society when analysing Health curriculum concepts
- apply personal security protocols when answering personal information
Seems you have a good understanding of legal, safe and ethical use of ICTs, however, it would have been nice to see some more examples. Apart from that summed up nicely.