Presentations Reflection 3

When considering applications for students and teachers to use for presentations, there are many out

there, one in particular is Prezi. Prezi can be used in all classrooms as it is an online source and does not require payment, as opposed to PowerPoint, which many students require a Microsoft Office account. Prezi allows creativity in flexible ways, rather than linear forms in the way of PowerPoint slides. 

It would not be expected that high school students would struggle using this presentation platform as adolescents are quite technologically advanced and could navigate the site quite easily. Students can also access their Prezi from home, making it more accessible outside of school hours. This gives students responsibility to choose how much effort they would like to put in, using their own time.

Prezi allows students to learn as they go, which is a part of an 'Inquiry pedagogical approach' where students are free to explore at their own rate and navigate their own directions. This relates to Blooms Taxonomy phase of 'Create', where they can "design, assemble, construct, conjecture, develop, formulate, author, investigate". Students are given the opportunity to choose their own design and layouts to sequence their information.

Teachers and students can both benefit from the use of this program, as teachers can present a multitude of topics and students can source and select the ones that they would either like to look at or complete first. Prezi can be more interactive than PowerPoint as students have a lot more templates to choose from which can make their presentation more unique and engaging. 

Find my Prezi here

Prezi can be created by making an online account. The basic version is free for 5 presentations. unlike with Power Point where you need a Microsoft office login and need to download the software onto the computer. Prezi is a good alternative to PowerPoint because you can send a link as opposed to a file, which means it is more accessible, particularly for students who don’t have PowerPoint installed or access to the same device each time. Alternatively, PowerPoint can be shared as a PDF but still takes up storage space.

When marking student work PowerPoint would be easier for teachers as it is not as complicated or hard to navigate through as Prezi can be.

Prezi has varied options for what students can do. It creates higher order thinking in comparison to PowerPoint, as students can create more animated presentations. Students have the option to be more versatile in where and how they create their slides. However, it is important to note that I found Prezi  difficult to navigate as I had not used the tool before. I found it hard to save my presentation to dashboard through the trial period and if I wanted to upload voice throughout, I would have to upgrade my Prezi license which would require a subscription. 

Prezi can be collaborative as a link can be shared with people asking them to join. There are many useful videos and tutorials also on the website that can be a great guide. 

When using Prezi, it was not originally intended to make comparisons with PowerPoint. However, while using the program I reflected on other programs I have used and thus came up with these comparisons.  

One way I would use Prezi in the classroom for my ITD students is for the students to go on to Prezi and create a map of their school and use that as the background of the presentation. Students could then have the presentation zoom into of all the safety concerns they would find around the school and how best to be aware of them and take safety precautions. 

This video would be used within an introduction lesson. 

When considering both PowerPoint and Prezi, I came up with these suggestions for ITD using SAMR

Substitution: Finding images to relate to safety instructions that is important when working in the workshop.

Augmentation: Sequence instructions using the image and creating PowerPoint slides. 

Modification: Students use Prezi to modify their PowerPoint project, making it more specific, unique and engaging.

Redefinition: Students make a screen recording of their Prezi (Safety around the school) and record their voice over the top of their presentation.

Legal, safe and ethical protocols
Students using Prezi need to be mindful of their privacy settings. They need to consider if it is accessible for students and teachers and not to public users. Students need to understand ethical uses of the program and consider what is appropriate to present and to not steal ideas from others without referencing and considering copyright protocols. 



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018, August 9). Young Worker Injuries [Video]. YouTube. 1—Young Worker Injuries - YouTube

Place, S. (n.d.). What is the SAMR Model of Technology Integration? BookWidgets Teacher Blog. 

Prezi. (n.d.).  Prezi Dashboard. Prezi. 

Slides Carnival. (n.d.). How to make a great PowerPoint presentation for College. Presentation Design Tips.

Vanderbilt University. (2022). Blooms Taxonomy. Centre for Teaching. 


  1. Hey Tom, Good work on the presentation. Your in depth knowledge of Prezi and how it works is evidently seen. You link this into your SAMR model effectively when used within the ITD environment. Overall a good presentation the only thing you could add would be more safe and ethical practices but this already gives plenty of information.

    Thanks Brady.

  2. Tom, thank you for introducing Prezi.
